Delivery & Payment Information
Our delivery lead time is approximately 2 to 7 working days (this excludes weekends and public holidays), however most parcels are delivered within 5 working days, depending on your distance from a main hub. Regional areas can take up to 7 working days.
Our rates are as follows:
- FREE delivery on orders over R699 and Click & Collect orders
- A flat rate of R95 for orders less than R699
Click & Collect
When you place a click & collect order, our team will notify you via email once it is ready for collection at your selected store. The lead time on click & collect orders is between 2-10 working days (this excludes weekends and public holidays). Visit our Click & Collect Policy page for more information on how click & collect orders work.
Pre-orders will be fulfilled as soon as stock becomes available. Typically within 10-20 working days (this excludes weekends and public holidays).
Payment Options
We offer the following payment methods through PayFast:
- Credit & cheque cards
- Instant EFT
- Masterpass
- Zapper
- Mobicred
We also offer buy now, pay later payment options through PayJustNow and PayFlex.
Using PayJustNow you can pay off your order in 3 equal, zero interest instalments. You’ll pay one instalment at the time of purchase, the next at the beginning of the following month and the last one a month thereafter.
Using Payflex you can pay off your order in 4 equal installments over 6 weeks.
Gift Cards
Gift cards purchased off the Soviet website can only be redeemable for online purchases and never expire. Gift cards purchased in-store can only be redeemable in-stores and expire within a year from the date of purchase.
*Note the following in terms of your online gift card:
- Gift cards do retain the balance, should you not use the entire gift card in one go.
- Please note that unless you qualify for free shipping or choose to Pickup in Store option when checking out, you will be charged for shipping as per usual.
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